Whether you enjoy a daily breakfast or your first meal usually isn’t until midday, it’s never a bad idea to take some time for yourself in the morning after you wake up. A glass of lukewarm water after getting out of bed is a great way to finish eliminating toxins from the body and gently revive the digestive system. This time – no matter how long – conditions the rest of your day, and the quality of your breakfast does the same. These moments in the morning are a great opportunity to fill yourself with good energy and give your body the fuel it needs for the day ahead.
Each person is different, has their own temperament, constitution, metabolic, digestive, enzymatic, and organic capacities. For some not eating breakfast is the better option – some don’t have their first bite until 10am or midday. This of course is not the case for everyone. Intermittent fasting can be excellent if it’s well managed and if the body gets sufficient calories throughout the rest of the day, with a good balance of macro- and micro-nutrients. But for those who do eat breakfast, what should we eat? As you might already know, classic breakfasts with coffee, orange juice, white bread or brioche with butter, jam and honey turn your hormones, neurotransmitters and energy upside down: too acidic, too sweet and not at all adapted to what your body needs in the morning.
Most people need good proteins and fats and very little sugar, in order to not impact blood sugar levels. As usual, it all depends on your temperament, your constitution, the environment in which you live, the type of work you do, the physical activity you engage in, whether you are chronically tired or not, whether your metabolism is high or low, and so on. We also don't necessarily always need the same things throughout the different seasons. In autumn and winter we typically eat more nutritionally dense, hotter and spicier food – in summer: fresher and more raw.
So, should we eat breakfast or not? As with everything, the answer isn’t black and white. It depends on the individual. There’s no simple rule for the perfect breakfast, it's a case-by-case thing. However, what we know for sure, is that there are general guidelines for eating well that apply to everyone looking to achieve good health.
For most people living in the West with a high pace in life and high levels of stress, it is important to respect the body's chrono-nutrition and provide it with what it needs most in the morning: good proteins, good fats and good carbohydrates (sugars). Here’s how to compose your breakfast in the best possible way:
A few slices of good whole meal sourdough bread or gluten-free bread (made from rice flour, corn flour, with seeds) with 1 or 2 eggs, oilseed puree, possibly homemade spread, hummus, avocado, guacamole, tapenade and a yummy drink.
To be prepared in a blender: 1 banana or 1 other ripe and seasonal fruit, 1 big handful of greens (fresh or dried nettle leaves, fresh spinach leaves, mint, basil or other herbs, kale leaves, salad leaves...), red fruits (fresh or frozen), 1 tablespoon of almond puree or flaxseed or walnut or hempseed oil (omega 3) and a plant milk. You can also read our article on juices and smoothies to learn more about how to make a good smoothie.
Mix 1 egg with 2 large spoons of whole meal almond powder or buckwheat flour, with a little vegetable cream (10 cl of coconut or rice or oat cream) and cook in a pan with coconut oil (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, rich in lauric acid, in good medium-chain fatty acids). Then to add on top: a fresh fruit cut into pieces or a few crushed nuts, grated coconut and a little honey. You could also opt. for savoury toppings (mushrooms, tomatoes, rocket, herbs, a bit of cheese...), or no toppings at all. It’s just important here to not add too many sweet toppings (no commercial jams, but honey in small doses or low-sugar jams). Enjoy this with a yummy drink and you’re all set.
Put 2 or 3 tablespoons of chia seeds in a bowl the night before with vegetable milk or cream and leave to stand overnight (at room temperature or in the fridge). The next day the mixture should be thick and homogeneous. Before enjoying this treat in the morning, add oilseeds, coconut shavings or raw cocoa, 1 spoonful of honey or maple syrup, dried fruit (organic), fresh fruit such as bananas, or frozen or fresh red fruit in summer, fresh pollen, etc. The variations are endless. Chia seeds are a real treasure from a nutritional point of view, as they are full of proteins, omega 3, they’re gentle on the intestinal mucosa and they fight against inflammation.
Simple, effective and above all very alkalising: a banana and a good handful of almonds or walnuts with a tasty drink.